Where are my webcasts stored?

Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 05:01PM

All webcasts created and uploaded in Life Tributes will be shown in “Previous Recordings” within the individual project.
To get there follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “WEBCASTING” tab.
  2. Select “PREVIOUS RECORDINGS” on the left menu to look at each captured event for the current project. Tip: You can also burn a webcast to DVD or upload a different recording to the web from the “PREVIOUS RECORDINGS” options. webcasting - previous recording screen
  3. Click “DELETE” to remove the webcast/recording from the system.
  4. Click “UPLOAD TO THE WEB” to upload the webcast to the web. You will receive the address of the webcast when it finishes uploading.
  5. Click “RECORD TO DVD” to burn the webcast to DVD or print the disk label, DVD box, and DVD insert: the following screen is displayed to accomplish that task. webcasting - burn dvd screen